Moving Day, Week 2 & 3


Throughout the past 2 weeks, Team 930 has been working hard in preparation for our ultimate goal of moving into our new facility. These past few weeks have been filled with organizing and planning in order to efficiently complete our move. While some logistics are still being worked out, as of the 28th we are proud to say we have officially moved. Team 930 wants to give a huge thanks to our sponsor Instrument Development Co. and the Mukwonago Area School District for all of the help and support along the way. We appreciate everything they are doing to support our success with this building. 

Our new building gives us access to enough room for a complete field, which betters our success as a team and allows us to be more prepared for the competition season. The new building also allows us to give each subteam their own dedicated space to assure the most efficient work can be done. With the building housing only our team, we are able to keep ourselves organized and avoid the interference of other activities that may have previously affected us at the High School.

Robot Progress 

Despite the moving process we’ve still been working hard on our robot progress. With the new challenge of the cones the team has been coming up with multiple solutions on how to effectively score and cycle throughout the match. While we prefer to keep most details confidential for the time being, we are excited to show off our swerve elevator robot later in the competition season.


Since sponsors play such an impactful role throughout our robotics season, we wanted to give a big thanks to them. From funding our materials and competition for the season to overall giving our students skills for the future, we are grateful for everything they do. Coming competition season, we invite all of our sponsors to come to our events including the Midwest Regional in Chicago IL, Wisconsin Regional in Milwaukee WI, & Greater Pittsburgh Regional in Pittsburgh PA. We would love it if they would come and see what all their generous funding is going towards and to meet up with the team of students whose futures they’ve inspired.