Week 3 Wrap Up

Taylor shows off her paper bag robot that she made at the YMCA event with Team 930 member Olivia.

Taylor shows off her paper bag robot that she made at the YMCA event with Team 930 member Olivia.

We have two upcoming events that the team is hosting at the Mukwonago High School. One event is our Open House which is on Monday February 17th from 6-8pm and is open to the public. Our SWENext event is on Saturday February 22nd from 10-Noon. We will be posting more details about these events in a future newsletter.

This week we welcomed the FIRST Lego League team Ten Tooth Gear to Mukwonago High School as they toured our facility this past Thursday. In addition to the tour, the children received the opportunity to learn more about FRC and were given Team 930 keychains. This past Friday, Team 930 was at the Mukwonago YMCA demonstrating our 2019 championship robot to local families. 

Amidst all of the outreach events, the team continues to progress on the robot. The team has worked hard this week as we meet our halfway point in the build season.


Without a playing field, we cannot test and work with our robot. In the woodshop, fabrication worked to finish the remaining field element, the Shield Generator; a 10 by 10 foot structure located in the middle of the field where the robot will hang during endgame. 

In the metal shop, the team has been working on creating the second drivetrain which is used for our practice robot. They worked with programming to finish the “wheel of fortune” and endgame hanging segments on the robot prototype, and have added a Limelight attachment to help with the autonomous portion of the game. 

Everen assembles part of the turret prototype with his father and mentor Steven.

Everen assembles part of the turret prototype with his father and mentor Steven.


CAD has been busy drawing up more and more prototypes, this year more so than any before. Some notable progress was mounting the first revision of the intake on the practice robot. This allows Programming to get an understanding of how well their code is working for an actual robot. CAD continues to iterate on the hopper design. We hope to have a final version soon. Another shooter has been constructed and the team is working towards the final design.


As Fabrication finishes prototypes, the Programming team continues to create code to make those prototypes work. The turret is the swivel base that holds the shooter and Limelight. Programming made PID (Proportional-Integral-Derivative) values that follow the vision tracking Limelight and turns the turret to keep the shooter always facing the Power Port goal. This will enable the robot to score as efficiently and effectively as possible. Programming also made maps of which buttons do what action on a PS4 controller and a GameCube controller. As all the prototype code is being written, it is being compiled into the master code class which keeps all the code together. And last, but certainly not least, Programming finished the LED code to make our 2020 robot look snazzy on the playing field!

Kenneth discusses the Infinite Recharge game field with the strategy team.

Kenneth discusses the Infinite Recharge game field with the strategy team.


The Strategy team worked on many different parts to create some successful strategies. They created a new tool, called the Ball Flow Tool, that will help them verify their strategies. After going over the scouting survey, they began to develop some scouter appreciation rewards to use throughout the season. Finally, they discussed how they wanted to view the data that they will gather during competitions using a software solution called Tableau.


Business has been busy this week! The team coordinated the YMCA demonstration and we have been planning our upcoming Open House and SWENext Events. We have also been hard at work finalizing our Chairman’s Essay which is due February 6th. Work has also continued on designing our team t-shirts for the 2020 season. For the first time in our team’s history, we will have dedicated team shirts and separate ones for our family, friends, and fans.


The Electrical team has been prototyping most of the mechanisms. It’s been a slow week as CAD is designing new prototypes, but they are gearing up for the next sprint where lots of components will be ready wire. Troubleshooting was performed on malfunctioning electrical components and the team worked with the vendor for replacements. This was great practice for competition time!

Onward to week 4!