Week 4 & 5 Update

We just completed Week 5 and are working our ways towards competing in Sussex Scrimmage on February 20th! Within the past two weeks we have been aiming to complete and move towards testing our Week 1 competition robot. 

Following Week 3, members of the Electromechanical subteam have been perfecting the robot. The Cargo catapult was remade to fine-tune the geometry of the trajectory, and we reinforced the climbing aspect of the robot and added some new pneumatics. With the Week 1 competition robot completed with testing underway, the team works to start constructing our Week 4 and 5 competition robot.

The Programming subteam hosted their first Bear Bytes event, where we introduced ourselves and met the other teams participating! Bear Bytes is a discord server that allows FRC teams to collaborate and help each other with programming related projects and questions. We also completed the shuffleboard, worked on 3D/color tracking balls for aiming, and polishing the autonomous functions.

This week, members are finishing up multiple essays and award submissions. The team decided to nominate our outstanding mentor Matt C. for the Woodie Flowers Award for all his dedication and nominated team members Abigail E. and Ryder B. for Dean's List to recognize their incredible work and commitment to the team. In addition to the individual awards, we're competing for the Entrepreneurship Award, submitting an essay that highlights the organizational, sustainability, and outreach aspects of the team, as well as the Engineering Inspiration Award to showcase the effort we've put into outreach and spreading STEM awareness through events and marketing. 

The Strategy subteam finished the Scouting App which organizes data to track other teams during competition and to create powerful alliances. The Pit Scouting App tracks physical robot attributes and analyzes them while the Match Scouting database relates them to robot performance. In the next week, we’ll be working on scouter preparedness training so we’re ready for our first min-competition next Sunday!