Week 6 & Sussex Mini-Regional

We’ve spent the past two weeks putting the finishing touches on our Week One Robot. After our great success at the Sussex Mini-regional, we're preparing for our first competition of this season: Northern Lights Regional in Duluth!

At the Sussex Scrimmage on the 20th we practiced navigating a regulation sized competition field with other teams, as well as showcased our Endgame climb. By the end of the scrimmage, we were consistently scoring 31 to 33 points per match independently. At week 0 competitions, the average alliance was scoring 32 to 34 points. We are working to keep up that momentum and only getting better as our Duluth competition approaches.

All build season we have been working towards the Autonomous Award for our autonomous functions, such as our Endgame and Autonomous Period,  the Entrepreneurship Award for organization and business aspects of the team, and Engineering Inspiration Award for our efforts in community outreach. We recently presented our submissions for these awards and attended our virtual judging period to show off our accomplishments to judges and hopefully be recognized for our season’s achievements and hard work! 

With Duluth only 4 days away, the team is in full swing to finalize our robot before our first competition! We will be posting regularly before and during our competition, so be sure to check out our Instagram and Facebook page for updates and links to watch our matches! Thank you to sponsors, mentors, coaches, and everyone who contributed for all of their hard work and dedication. None of this would be possible with them, and we're excited heading into an awesome competition season!